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 Break for Lunch [Open to all]

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Alfred F Jones

Alfred F Jones

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptyThu May 05, 2011 7:30 pm

There wasn't anyone really in the large cafeteria save for the hungry weapon who was stalking around still for something to eat. The blond looked about the food beneath the glass and nearly drooled, feeling his stomach growl.

"Uh, I want that, and that, and a lot of that!" He pointed to the food, not bothering to name it. He was just plain hungry. No amount of training was worth missing out on something to eat! He tugged the tray back to a table and sat down rubbing his hands together in anticipation. "Aw man this looks good!" He smiled.

The young man grabbed his sandwich and took a huge bite of it, gulping the food down with a sigh. Quickly after, he wolfed down the rest eagerly and took a big gulp of his soda, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. He always had been a very hungry boy even when he was younger. It had gotten even more so since he had hit his teenage years.
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Mathias Densen

Mathias Densen

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptyFri May 06, 2011 4:02 pm

Mathias entered the room soon after Alfred, holding a small paper bag in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other which he had picked up from work. There wasn’t anyone in the cafeteria he was at all familiar with, save for that Jones kid he sometimes saw around the school. Not wanting to look like some loner, Mathias brought himself over to the table and plopped himself down opposite of Alfred who had just gulped down all of his food right before his eyes.

“Careful there man, you’re going choke or somethin’ if ya keep bolting yer food down like that.” He laughed lightly, digging into his paper bag and fishing out an apple. He took a lazy bite.
Mathias wasn’t too hungry. Several cups of coffee had been mostly fueling the blond throughout the morning but the effect was wearing off, leaving him tired and sluggish just like when he had woken up. He took a sip of the beverage, realising that he should have introduced himself. “Name’s Mathias by the way. Also known as King of the North by some.” He grinned widely at the last part.

Okay, maybe the last part was a lie but hey, the guy didn’t need to know that. No one did call him ‘King of the North’. If they did it was usually to mock the blond which he didn’t enjoy at all.
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Alfred F Jones

Alfred F Jones

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PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptyFri May 06, 2011 7:31 pm

Alfred hadn't noticed anyone in the cafeteria until the other weapon had already sat down. He did nearly choke on his food in surprise, but he quickly recovered and simply gulped down his huge bite of his sandwich. He didn't feel like he recognized this other student. Maybe he had seen this guy. But he didn't really remember faces all too well if he only saw them on occasions.

"Naw, I'm okay." Alfred grinned, taking a drink of his soda and spying the coffee the man had. He hadn't had a good cup in a while since he didn't have any spare time to head off to get a cup after classes had started up with all these new kids. He had so much work to do he was exhausted by the end of the day. Lately he'd been making his own, but it wasn't anything compared to Deathbucks. He loved their coffee.

The young male tilted his head. "Mathias huh?" A grin passed the honey-blond's face and he stuck out his hand. "I'm Alfred F. Jones. And you can call me the Hero of Shibusen since I'm gonna be that eventually." He stated proudly. People ought to get used to calling him by such a title since he was working so hard at it. He didn't know what to say about the man's nickname. King of the North? He didn't think that sounded like much. "King of the penguins?" He raised a brow.
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Mathias Densen

Mathias Densen

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptySat May 07, 2011 4:26 pm

Mathias nodded, seeing that the man was taking a look at the coffee. “Good stuff,” He grinned, taking another sip. “Really picks ya up, y’know? ”. Noticing that the styrofoam cup was almost empty while taking the drink, he frowned for a minute pushing away the cup to the side. He would have to brew up his own at some part of the day when he got the chance. Despite how hard it was for him to admit it, his own coffee tasted like complete shit to put it bluntly. There was still training and class for the rest of day so he wasn’t sure how he would manage without falling asleep in the process.

“Yep, the one and only!” Upon hearing his name he gestured towards himself before shaking the young man’s hand enthusiastically. “Nice t’meet ya Alfred.” He couldn’t help but smile a bit at the last part. “Hero heh? Ya got yourself some big dreams there man,” His smile growing even wider, he continued. “Ya sure the Hero won’t be me? Heh, just jokin’ but good luck with that I guess.” Mathias found it hard to believe that the man was serious but maybe it was just him. He shook it off anyway.

King of what? In his musing, Mathias wasn’t able to hear what Alfred had said so instead he improvised. He was also slightly puzzled as to why the other blond was raising an eyebrow. Was it something he said? “Er, yep. King of the North. Didn’t ya catch that?”
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Alfred F Jones

Alfred F Jones

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Location : The US of A!

Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptySat May 07, 2011 5:18 pm

Alfred nodded. "Yeah, I always go there to get a cup when classes are out and I have some money left over." He pouted a bit at the fact he couldn't do that lately. He needed coffee to get him up in the morning, and while any coffee would do, good coffee was obviously better and preferred.

He smiled at the man's tough grip and smirked. "Yeah, I'm going to be the hero for sure! I'll be the best death scythe too! So then I can save everyone and take even the most powerful of all souls!" He pointed to himself as if to prove a point. He was quite confident in himself at this. He smiled a bit at the idea this man wanted to become a hero as well, a rival was always awesome to have. He couldn't remember if he'd ever had a rival before... no... he didn't think so.

The young weapon munched on a few chips and continued to blink. He didn't exactly get what he meant by 'King of the North'. "Well, what kind of North? Like the North Pole where Santa lives?" He asked, finding it awesome if someone was indeed, king of Santa.
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Mathias Densen

Mathias Densen

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptySat May 07, 2011 6:20 pm

“Ah, great. Work over there but I don’t think I’ve ever seen ya around. Guess I’ll be keeping an eye out now.” He smiled, ever since he had started working at Deathbucks Mathias hadn’t seen anyone he knew from school. Sure there were a few faces he sort of knew every now and again and the blonde lady who worked at the library of course but other than them he didn’t really know anyone. It would be nice to see a more familiar face every now and again.

“Don’t think you’re going to beat me there yet kid. Gotta remember ya got me for competition as well.” He tapped lightly at his own head to show that he was serious about the remembering part and chuckled lightly. Having some competition would certainly be fun during the whole ordeal. What fun would it be to simply rise to the top anyway?

When his apple had been finished he dug through the paper bag once more rooting out a good old slice of Smørrebrød. It wasn’t anything compared to what he used to eat back in Denmark but it reminded him of home. Damn tasty as well he thought, tucking into the slice of bread topped generously with boiled eggs and some brand of fish paste.

He tried to hold back his laughter when he had heard what Alfred had just said, nearly choking on some egg. “Northern Europe of course! Greatest place ever if ya ask me.” He responded hoarsely. The blond pounded at his chest, trying to clear it up more. The hell were they teaching the kids over here he thought to himself. “Santa obviously lives in Greenland man. Don’t know what you were on about with the North Pole there.
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Alfred F Jones

Alfred F Jones

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptySat May 07, 2011 8:18 pm

"Oooooh, Europe." Alfred's mouth formed an 'o' in acknowledgment as he munched on another chip, smirking just a bit. "I've never been to Europe before. I heard about it in class before." He mumbled around his mouthful of food. He wasn't very interested in it really, he loved travel, but the idea of leaving his country left him with a strange feeling of unease. Probably because it would be so unfamiliar.

"Well hey, I can partially transform, and I can fully transform too!" He stated proudly. Though, Alfred never had the ability to fully transform until lately, and still, he had a few troubles with it. Still, it was an impressive feat for a scythe to be able to do that. Alfred knew this from experience, visualizing blades in certain spots took time, normally a whole limb was much easier.

The blond stared at the sandwich with a look of disgust, curiosity, and a bit of hunger all meshed into one, he had never seen a sandwich like that before. He was guessing it was something from Europe or something, feeling a want to try it since it was so different. He wondered if Europe made good food.

"No way, Santa lives in the North Pole. I don't even know where Greenland is. But Santa doesn't live anywhere green, it's all snow, and he lives up there so no one can find him and he has a huge workshop there." The weapon explained like this was common knowledge, which, to him, it was.

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Mathias Densen

Mathias Densen

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptySun May 08, 2011 10:19 am

Mathias nodded. “You should go! Specifically Denmark” He grinned at the end. Everyone should visit his country when they got the chance. Who could possibly say no? To him Denmark had it all. Though he missed his old home heaps, this country wasn’t too bad either when he really thought about it. There wasn’t much you could do with homesickness besides suck it up anyway. Especially when home was well, all the way on the other side of the ocean.

The Dane wasn’t particularly impressed, he could do that too… When the ability decided to work properly anyway. He was interested in as to what exactly the other blond was. All he knew was that Alfred was a weapon since he had mentioned becoming death scythe. “What are ya anyway? A knife or somethin’?” He asked, teasingly.

While taking another bite out of the slice of bread, he noticed that the other male was staring at the piece of food. He couldn’t help but feel slight satisfaction. It was always amusing to watch how others would react. Some reactions were just plain disgust or simply amusing and others being indifferent. “Want some? Only made it this mornin’ and I got a cut to spare.” He smirked, gesturing towards the other slice that was now set on the table. “It’s great!”

“Greenland isn’t all green ya fool. It’s just the name and it’s damn well cold up there.” Mathias glared faintly at the other weapon before justifying his own point of view. “If Santa lived all the way up at the North Pole then he’d be an iceberg by now. How do you expect the man to live up there when it’s completely covered in ice and stuff? At least in Greenland he’d have a bit more sun every now and again. No would be able to find him there either as well.”

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Alfred F Jones

Alfred F Jones

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptySun May 08, 2011 4:52 pm

Alfred gave a slight shrug like he was considering the thought. Maybe when he got a chance to take a mission nearby he could visit or something. He had no real other want to leave his country unless there was an adventure involved. Though, it did sound fun to visit a place he had only heard about in lectures.

The young weapon pouted. "I'm no measly knife! I'm a scythe!" As if to prove his point, a blade of silver and deep blue jutted from his shoulder. That was another easy place to visualize a blade. In most cases, when he got angry, that was the place where he found a blade gleaming from. "So that means I'll be one of the death scythes that is a scythe!" He grinned.

He blinked at the food he was gestured and the blade on his shoulder disappeared. He wanted to see what this thing tasted like from the second he saw it. He reached out a hand and swiped the piece, smelling it like a dog as if that could decipher the taste. It did smell different.... He took a bite despite this and chewed it for a moment before gulping down his bite. "Hey, it is pretty good!" he smiled, taking another bite. It was different, but not bad. Different in a good way!

"Santa's fat, see, so that makes him warm, and he wears all that heavy clothing." Alfred retorted around the sandwich before pausing. "What if he has two workshops then? Like, one in Greenland for sun and stuff, and a big one in the North Pole. I mean, he's gotta make toys for everyone, so he could have more than one!" The sudden revelation made his eyes shimmer.
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Mathias Densen

Mathias Densen

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptyTue May 10, 2011 11:00 am

“Alright, alright. I see now. Ya don’t actually hear about many Death Scythes that are well actually, scythes.” It was true, from what he had heard from others there were only a couple of death scythes that were as their name stated which. It kept the Dane thinking sometimes. Wouldn’t it just make more sense to call them death weapons? And why not death axes? Axes were totally amazing, just like him.

He observed intently as Alfred had taken his first bite, grinning. His own slice having been finished long before. “Told ya!” He beamed proudly with self-satisfaction. There was no one who could resist his cooking! They would have to have no taste buds he thought. Even if it was only a slice of bread covered in smeared with random stuff he could gather from the cupboard. And his baking of course. His baking was freaking amazing!

“Yeah, I know Santa’s fat and all but I still say he lives in Greenland. It was what I was taught and that’s how it’s goin’ to stay for me.” Mathias shrugged. “And why does the big workshop have to be at the North Pole anyway?" There were certainly a lot of countries claiming that Santa lived in their own part of the world from what he knew. If they were to all just agree that Santa lived in Greenland then it would be way more simpler. For him Santa would always would live in Greenland. No changing that.

Mathias lounged lazily in his seat starting to get bored of quarrelling with the other blond. “Someone once told me that Santa actually lives up in Finland. Lipland or somethin' "
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Alfred F Jones

Alfred F Jones

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptyTue May 10, 2011 7:10 pm

Alfred smiled and continued to munch on the sandwich, promptly finishing it off in just a few giant bites. He gulped the bites down, happy that he now knew that he was an awesome weapon. "Yeah, I'll be the best one ever!" He grinned happily, wiping his mouth.

"I dunno, I always heard that he was in the North Pole, and the North Pole is huge, so ya know, more room for the factory, I guess." The younger weapon gave a shrug, not really knowing where this argument would even end up. Santa always lived in the North Pole.

He raised a brow at the thing about Finland. "Where's that?" He wasn't even sure where Finland was anyway. Somewhere over in Europe he guessed.
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Mathias Densen

Mathias Densen

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptyThu May 12, 2011 11:02 am

Mathias raised an eyebrow at what Alfred had said. “Yeah, yeah whatever, man. I’m an axe myself and amazing so obviously, I’ll be the greatest there is!” He pointed arrogantly towards himself with a grin. “Anyway, I’ll believe it when I see it.” The blond was now even more determined to show up the American.

“Well, Greenland’s huge too y’know, a great big workshop or even two would easily fit over there.” He spread out his arms, trying to demonstrate just how massive Greenland was. And come to think of it, Reindeer didn’t even live in the North Pole! How was Santa supposed to fly around the world without any Reindeer? Greenland was clearly the most logical place for Santa to live.

Was this guy honestly serious? Now, Mathias had to admit that even he wasn’t the best at Geography most times but at least he knew where a good number countries were anyway. “Just wonderin’, but do you know where anything is besides America? Finland’s in Northern Europe! They make all phones and stuff there. The guy told me that Santa’s home is there and that you can visit him if ya want. I think it’s a load of nonsense though.”
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Alfred F Jones

Alfred F Jones

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptyFri May 13, 2011 5:12 pm

"Same to you." Alfred replied with a smile. An axe huh? He'd never seen one of those kind of weapons before. But he would believe this guy when he saw him become a Death Scythe, and there was no way that was gonna happen before he was!

"The North Pole is where I was always told he lives, and he does just fine up there, I dunno where you got your facts" He shrugged. "I know about Europe, just not that much. I mean, I don't live there." He shrugged, drinking his Cola. "And you can't visit Santa! He's way too busy!" The younger weapon pouted.
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Mathias Densen

Mathias Densen

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Break for Lunch [Open to all] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break for Lunch [Open to all]   Break for Lunch [Open to all] EmptyMon May 16, 2011 11:57 am

The blond strained a smile back at Alfred. “Excuse ya but I got my facts from school and my Mom. I doubt they’d ever lie about something as important as that.” He can still remember every single Christmas eve he had ever spent back in Denmark; waiting eagerly for Santa the night he’d come down the chimney and leave a gift or two, decorating the house with wreaths and lights, visits from Grandparents and of course baking with his Mom when he had gotten older. In all, the food was definitely the best part. Roast pork and duck, boiled potatoes and cabbage and of course, the sweets. Christmas cookies, fried donuts and a whole table laid out lovingly with cakes! It was wonder how he'd managed to stay thin eating as much as he did in those days, Just the thought of the food made his mouth water, and his stomach started to rumbling again at him.

“It isn’t near Christmas yet so I’m guessing he wouldn’t be busy at the moment.” He paused thinking for a moment; coming up with a terrific idea. “Y’know what? If we ever get any missions in any of them places we should try to find Santa’s place while we’re at it! I’m still positive that he lives in Greenland but hey, this could be fun.”

((>u> I shouldn’t really type when I’m hungry...))
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